FALL in Love with New Arrivals!


This just in, the CUTEST new arrivals! Amazing and unique pieces from brands you know and love, such as Escape, Lulu-B, Parsley & Sage, Jess & Jane, and more!

Belinda is wearing one of our new arrivals from Parsley and Sage, a beautiful blouse you can dress up or down!

Paired with these 3-button detailed pants from Escape. Comfy yet elevated! Here's a closer look, they definitely add some flare to an outfit, and they are super versatile. See more ways to style them below!


Looking for more vibrant colors to spruce up your fall wardrobe? Look no further, these styles from Lulu-B and Escape have you covered. 

Would you just look at that fringe and those shoes? Talk about groovy! 😍

Come check out our fashion forward finds, we have even more in store for you too! We wouldn't want you to miss out! Your new fall wardrobe is waiting for you...in Oriental and New Bern 😉

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